
It’s not easy to relax while trying to keep stuff off my mind, but there are ways to stave off the madness that stress can cause. Maybe for you it’s cooking, maybe writing, or sketching, or a long steamy shower. Something I like to do, and perhaps not everyone will, is just go for a simple walk. Especially when I’m stressed and have a lot on my mind. I put on a crappy shirt that I don’t have to worry about sweating in, some tennis shoes, and a pair of yoga pants or shorts, and I walk. I don’t think about anything else, just the walking. I look down at my feet and focus on the steps I’m taking. I look around me, feeling the wind and the sun on my skin. I listen to the birds, and the dogs, and the tree leaves rustling, and that’s it. I don’t have to think about anything else. It’s peaceful and relaxing, and it’s good for me, which is a bonus. Taking a moment to decompress is something everyone should try at least once a week, if not daily when you can find the time. You’ll thank yourself in the end, trust me, it’s worth it.

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